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Quest Academy

MacIntyre Academies

Year 7 Catch up Premium

(This funding no longer exists as of September 2020)

Impact of Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch- up premium 2019/20

As a result of additional reading books and development of the school library there has been significant progress made by learners with regards to their engagement and enjoyment of reading. This is highlighted in lesson observations and feedback from families and learners. 

In the first two terms of the year, prior to Lockdown, 81.25% of learners had already met and exceeded their Reading targets. 

As a result of the additional resources purchased for the Maths curriculum, 77% of Year 7 learners met or exceeded their Quest Challenge Rates over the first two terms of the year. 

Planned Expenditure for 2019/20

The Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives state-funded schools, including special schools and alternative provision settings, additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2).

It is anticipated that the school will receive an allocation of £500 per pupil for the academic year 2019/20. We currently have 16 pupils who qualify for the funding. This year the literacy and numeracy catch up premium will be used to create additional reading books and maths resources in line with the cohort’s specific areas for development and interest.

Impact of Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch- up premium 2018/19

In line with our Tier 1-3 intervention programme learners accessed bespoke intervention programmes linked to their GL assessment profile and staff’s understanding of each learner’s strengths and areas for development. As a result the vast majority of learners achieved more than expected progress in English, maths, reading, writing, and communication. Throughout the year it was also evident that as a result of learner’s improved levels of literacy and numeracy their self –esteem, resilience and ability to work independently improved dramatically.